Monday, February 1, 2010

New Release : Momoyama Jirou - Momodon (1st story arc) & Manzou - Homeless Saeko Ch 03+EX

Oh my...
It's been 3 weeks and I only got the first arc done..
I'm ashamed of myself..T_T

I know that I've been playing around too much the past few weeks, but still..
I can't stop !!
And for better or worse, a lot of new great H-games is out already..
I hope I can stop the time or something... >.>

Anyway, the release :
Momoyama Jirou - Momodon (1st arc) : Here
Manzou - Homeless Saeko  (chp 3 + EX) : Here
Or you can get it here (full bundle will soon follow) 

And that's the 2nd donor project done..
Thank you guys !!